
                                  Short, simple poems for our time

Short, simple poems for our time


There is a time when everything is newfound

Harmless discovery, or so it seems
When a new toy is a prized thing
And a trip to the seaside enthrals
But these delights will soon be insufficient
And the hunger will grow

For these are the first manifestations of avarice
The desire to experience more, to possess more
And this is what it is, to be human
And it will shape our very being
Through childhood, adolescence
And long adulthood

Countless acquisitions will accrue
But we will continue to tire of everything we amass
And look for more, much more than we need
And it will soon seem
That life without perpetual obtainment
Has little meaning at all

But the mind is capable of re-evaluation
And possibly, one day, when we look into the mirror
And see the bloated, obscene beast that we have become
We will re-consider our raison d'etre
And then we might start to tire of the new
And appreciate what we already have

And this re-appraisal will enlighten and inform
But there will also be disappointment
And a realisation, that had we understood sooner,
Life could have afforded more
But this is the natural order of being
And we are just human

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